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During the first quarter of 2021, St. Theresa Mission and Ministry Implementation Committee was entrusted with the task of selecting goals to implement in the near term (2025) from among 22 goals promulgated by the Strategic Plan Task Teams. See our Plan Summary here.
Our vision statement: “Solidarity in Christ: Let no one walk alone” which is about love, connection, relationship, and belonging, is a way to reflect on the nature of the Holy Trinity and who we are being called to be as disciples of Christ who chose to live in solidarity with us.
The Goals
The Committee chose five goals and assigned each goal a title:
St. Theresa will have a dedicated ministry team to generate and implement opportunities to volunteer in charitable and social service organizations by understanding the Church's teachings and supporting the work of social justice.
Next step
Communicating the goals to the Parish and recruiting members to the goal-focused committees.
Our deepest gratitude to all who took the time to complete the Strategic Plan Survey. Your feedback is an invaluable tool for our parish growth. Overall, we received a wealth of great feedback from our parishioners. We will continue to review the results and discuss steps to increase engagement and implement solutions in key areas to continue providing a good service for all.
For now, we wanted to showcase the results of the survey: