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Sisters and brothers. As we gather this week, we've got a serious commemoration. And also a number of joyful, celebrations in remembrance of saints in particular.
This is the 52nd anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision legalizing abortion in the United States. The bishops of the United States, as well as the Church, calls us to respect the dignity of every human life, from conception to natural death.
This is a reminder for us this week to take seriously our obligations to be concerned about life. And when we're concerned about life, we've got to be concerned not only about conception, but about those who are conceived and the quality of life that may be offered to them. And our obligation to be sure that there are services and care and love available to every child born into our nation and into our world. It should be a prayer of our heart this week.
Also, on Friday, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis de Sales, a wonderful bishop whose one gift and call to the Church was to recognize God is love. And that when we experience the love of God, He calls us also to reflect that love in our life. And his words were always to look for the gentle ways to extend the virtuous life of Christians to others.
And so this week, if we can think of two things that are particularly important to do is, one is to pray for the end of abortion and they care for the dignity of every human life. And secondly, to be able to be gentle and all that we do and say.