Let us know how we can help you:
The Adult Confirmation program is separate from the youth program and is conducted over several weeks in the Spring. This process is an enjoyable, interactive class for Catholics who have not had the opportunity to complete their full initiation into the Catholic Church by receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. This program emphasizes the basics of Catholic teaching; some topics covered include the Trinity, the Sacraments, prayer, morality, and questions and concerns about our Christian responsibilities.
How Do I Begin?
Contact the Director of Faith Formation, Tommy Cordova, at 346-335-1816 or [email protected].
What Happens After My Interview?
When Will I Be Confirmed?
Adult Confirmation usually takes place with other Adults across the diocese around Pentecost.
If you are not yet baptized and are considering becoming Catholic, or if you are a Catholic who never received the First Eucharist, our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process might be right for you.