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Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven” (John 6:51), and every time we go to mass and receive Jesus in the Eucharist, He miraculously is with us. Receiving Jesus for the first time is typically celebrated in the second grade; special arrangements are made for older children to receive this sacrament.
If your child is in the second grade or above and is in the second continuous year of Faith Formation or religion classes in a Catholic School, you may register your child for First Eucharist Prep. For further details, please contact Josephine Balgos Le at 346-335-1808 or [email protected].
Becoming Catholic is a transformative journey that holds the potential to reshape your life and bring about spiritual rebirth. Embracing the Catholic faith opens doors to a deeper understanding of the Love of God, a profound connection to a supportive community, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Through the Sacrament of Eucharist, you embark on a path of spiritual renewal, forgiveness, and Communion with Christ. The teachings, rituals, and traditions of the Catholic Church offer guidance and solace, nurturing your soul and guiding you toward a life of virtue, compassion, and fulfillment. Becoming Catholic invites a spiritual transformation that can enrich your life profoundly and meaningfully.
Please click the link below to take the first steps towards a transformative journey.
Becoming Catholic or receiving First Sacraments for Adults
Contact Deacon Larry Vaclavik for more information at [email protected] or 713-504-2993.