Let us know how we can help you:
Father Vincent Tran, Pastor - Ex Officio
Dcn. Larry Vaclavik, Deacon - Ex Officio
Enrique Benitez, Parish Manager - Ex Officio
Sarah Fox, School Principal - Ex Officio
Rae James, ECC Director - Ex Officio
Johanna Bransford, HR/Facilities - Ex Officio
Melissa Swanson, Church Accounting - Ex Officio
Jeanette Deciderio, Church Accounting - Ex Officio
Grant Goodland, School Accounting - Ex Officio
Shelley Starr, Chair - Council Member
Kelly Glanding Woelfel, Council Member
Caroline Grahmann-Gardner, Council Member
Gregory Jacobs, Council Member
Daniel Donovan, Council Member
Alyssa Rodriguez, Council Member
The purpose of the Finance Council is to consult with the Pastor and help ensure that the financial affairs of St. Theresa Catholic Community are appropriately conducted, supervised, and reported. By properly managing the Parish’s financial affairs, the Finance Council can assist the Pastor, Pastoral Council, and community in fulfilling the Parish’s Mission Statement.
The Finance Council ensures that a budget is prepared for each fiscal year for the parish and separately for the school. The budgets reflect projected sources of income, both ordinary and extraordinary, operating expenses, capital improvements, debt service, and ongoing cash position. The Finance Council endorses each budget and recommends them to the Pastor for implementation. In addition, the Finance Council monitors performance against the budget every quarter and reports on the performance to the Pastoral Council. The Finance Council is also responsible for preparing and annually distributing a Stewardship Report to the parish, which summarizes the past performance and the current budget.
The Finance Council consists of the Pastor, or at his discretion, other clergy assigned to the parish, and six lay members are drawn from the community, all of whom are active, registered members of the parish and independent of the parish staff. The diocesan policy excludes the Parish Administrator from membership on the Council; however, he/she attends all meetings as an ex-officio non-voting member to provide his/her perspective to aid the Council’s decision-making process. The Pastor appoints lay members based on their business acumen and expertise in accounting and financial matters. Members are appointed for a three-year term and, at the discretion of the Pastor, a consecutive three-year term. No member serves more than six consecutive years. To provide continuity, no more than three lay members are replaced at any one time. The Pastor alone selects new Finance Council members and may seek suggestions from the current Council. The Council determines its Chairperson and any other positions.