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Sisters and brothers. On Saturday of this week, we commemorate the Chair of Saint Peter.
In the fourth century, from the 13th to the 22nd of February, in Rome, there was a practice of remembering dead relatives. It was almost like the Day of the Dead, which we celebrate in October.
And one of the practices at that time was to leave an empty chair for your dead relatives.
A cathedra is the Latin word for chair. Over time, Saint Peter was commemorated. The idea of leaving the empty chair was for Peter.
For us, we know the real meaning behind the commemoration of the Chair of Saint Peter
is the primacy of the successor of Peter the Holy Father, our Pope, in the history of the Church.
Today we remember and pray, of course, for the health and wisdom, the guidance and the shepherding of our own Holy Father, Pope Francis the First.
Every year on this 22nd day of February, we recall the legacy of Peter, the successor of Christ, and all those who came after him, representing Christ’s will for the Church.
That will being the unity of all Christians. And so we honor and celebrate the Chair of Saint Peter and all those who came after. May God bless Pope Francis and all who will hold that office.