Let us know how we can help you:
Your identification with Christ and his will involves a commitment to build with him that kingdom of love, justice and universal peace. . . . You cannot grow in holiness without committing yourself, body and soul, to giving your best to this endeavor”
GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE [Rejoice and Be Glad], No. 25
The sacraments the Church celebrates are signs of grace that make a more profound reality present. One reality we encounter through the sacraments is the presence of Christ in the Church community, his Body. This recognition of the existence of Christ in the community should lead to a more vital awareness of being sent on a mission to engage in love-inspired action in the world.
We encourage you to read the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) document below about the sacraments:
Sacraments and Social Mission, Living the Gospel. Being Disciples
Holy Orders
Anointing of the Sick